Red fish 05/07/6

Red fish are not thick but there is a couple places where there are more.
Back on the east side of the Harbor, if you gat way back, I mean close to main land, there are several schools of larger red fish, they seem to be holding in creeks, which have a deeper places, shallow curves, A good flow of water is also some thing to look for, where a wider place in the creek and it narrows up.
White bait and Shrimp both work, the shrimp is not as strong as the white bait. How ever the 3 inch Gulp shrimp on a jig head bounced slowly, can be very good.

About Fishin Franks

I have been in the fishing business since 1984, and enjoy mu customers. we here at Fishin Franks bait and tackle are pretty good with our customers 95% of the time, 3% not so good and 2% we fail miserably. But all in all we hope you give us a try. and that day we don't fail at being who you hope we are. Fishin Frank

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